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Definition: Drowning refers to death within 24 hours due to suffocation in a liquid, typically freshwater or seawater.
Near Drowning: Successful resuscitation following suffocation by immersion.
Secondary Drowning: Accumulation of fluid in the lungs after apparent recovery from near-drowning.
Persistent Risk: Near-drowning and secondary drowning can occur even after revival.
Cause: Fatigue, swimming difficulties, or fluid aspiration.
Rescue: Safely remove the submerged person from the water.
Assessment: Check for breathing. If breathing, place in the recovery position and call EMS.
No Breathing: Begin CPR (as discussed in the drowning video).
Medical Assessment: Even for those who don't lose consciousness but ingest substantial water, consult a doctor.
Risks: Lung injury and life-threatening electrolyte imbalances can result from water ingestion, be it from a pool or natural body of water.
Oxygen Administration: If available, administer oxygen to maintain proper oxygen levels and compensate for respiratory system impairment.